
Hello welcome today's topic is cooperation 

what is cooperation?

Ans: cooperation is the act of working together towards one end or goal 

how can a student cooperate in school or their education? 

Ans: As a student, you can cooperate with your teacher by reporting your weakness or where you are stocked in your homework, in the classroom, in madrasah 

How to apply cooperation daily as a Muslim 

Ans: A Muslims you can cooperate with your leader by following the orders or opinion of your leader but if you refuse you will face a lot of fitnah 

How to apply cooperation daily as a teacher 

Ans: a teacher cooperate with your student by giving them necessary homework, giving them homework just to know their weakness and to train them  

How to apply cooperation daily as a child 

Ans: As a child, you can cooperate with your parent by helping you parent at home to get things done and by taking matters to them to be successful in life 

How to apply cooperation daily as a parent 

Ans: A parent can cooperate with their children by providing them  the best of education as best for their children to be successful and Islamic education

How to apply cooperation daily as a leader 

Ans: As a leader, you can cooperate with your follower by giving them the best of facilities, healthcare, schools, education, jobs, safety.

importance of cooperation: 1) Reduces unproductive competition 2) Enhances knowledge sharing 3) Fosters good communication. thanks for watching  


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